GUI Improve: new global option: save the torrent file to download folder.GUI Improve: new command in context menu of task list: search online for the task name.Core Bugfix: occasionally crash when starting BT task asynchronously.

Core Improve: improve error handling after piece hash check failure of BT task.GUI Bugfix: handle the situation of LAN IP is the same with WAN IP in Remote Download page of Options window.GUI Bugfix: can't change the default download directory for a task tag in the Option window.GUI Bugfix: the main window should not be restored by relaunch program if entered lock mode while the main window minimized.GUI Improve: display IP location in peer list of BitTorrent task.GUI Improve: display detailed failure info of download torrent in BT task log pane.GUI Improve: display Mobile APP traffic in the info-tips of upload size and upload speed in task summary pane.Core Bugfix: initial seeding option can not be saved due to async modifacation operation of BT task properties (v1.68 - 1.69).Core Bugfix: program may crash when downloading pieces containing file boundary in v1.69.Core Bugfix: data save failure due to zero-size file in torrent.GUI Bugfix: binding IP address in advanced option can not be set to unassigned.GUI Bugfix: download speed display bug in floating window.GUI Bugfix: IP location icon dispay bug when using 150% DPI.GUI Bugfix: peer download progress not displayed in peer list.GUI Bugfix: number of Torrent History not refreshed after generating torrent file.GUI Improve: "Remember my settings" in Auto Shutdown menu changed to "Remember Shutdown Condition".GUI Improve: Add HTTP download in batch window support paste HTTP URL list.GUI Improve: display location code if no location image in peer list.GUI Improve: add flow graph for download speed, upload speed, DHT transfer.GUI Improve: add DHT network node list to left channel list when expert_mode enabled.GUI Improve: advanced option system.show_debug_info renamed to system.enable_expert_mode.GUI Improve: add option to start seeding after generating torrent file.